_HOT_ Download 100K MAIL ACCESS Txt
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Download 100K MAIL ACCESS txt
Tableau was one of the first to recognize that data was going to play a central role in helping people see and understand what was happening. Our team went to work right away and developed what was to be the first of a number of tracker dashboards to help visualize the scope of the pandemic. We launched the COVID-19 Data Hub in March 2020 as a free resource for people and organizations to access the tracker dashboard. The Global COVID-19 tracker provided key metrics on where the pandemic was spreading, and impacts, including metrics on mortality and hospitalizations. Within days of launch, the Hub had garnered thousands of visits. Over the course of the next year, millions of visitors to the site accessed the site, seeing critical metrics in near-real time, using the Global Tracker dashboard. The Tracker enabled everyone from business and public sector leaders, to the general public, to get the information necessary to make informed decisions. Visitors could also access and download datasets to perform their own analyses.
The code for the original data collection is available at -data. The articles were downloaded using archives of www.cnn.com> and www.dailymail.co.uk> on the Wayback Machine. Articles were not included in the Version 1.0.0 collection if they exceeded 2000 tokens. Due to accessibility issues with the Wayback Machine, Kyunghyun Cho has made the datasets available at kcho/DMQA/. An updated version of the code that does not anonymize the data is available at -dailymail. 041b061a72