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The Rules of Work by Richard Templar: How to Succeed in Any Career

The Rules of Work Richard Templar PDF 13: A Review

Do you want to succeed in your career and life? Do you want to learn the secrets of the most successful people in the world? Do you want to master the art of working smart, not hard?

the rules of work richard templar pdf 13

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should read The Rules of Work by Richard Templar. This book is a collection of 100 simple and practical rules that will help you achieve your goals and dreams. Whether you are an employee, a manager, or an entrepreneur, this book will teach you how to be more effective, efficient, and productive at work.

In this article, we will review The Rules of Work Richard Templar PDF 13, which is the latest edition of the book. We will summarize the main points of the book, critique its strengths and weaknesses, and discuss its relevance in today's world. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of what this book is about and whether it is worth reading.


The Rules of Work is a best-selling book by Richard Templar, a British author and self-help expert. It was first published in 2003 and has since been translated into more than 30 languages and sold over 2 million copies worldwide. It is part of a series of books by Templar that include The Rules of Life, The Rules of Wealth, The Rules of Management, and The Rules of Love.

What are the rules of work?

The rules of work are not official or written rules that everyone has to follow. They are unwritten and unspoken rules that successful people follow instinctively or learn through experience. They are based on common sense, observation, and wisdom. They are not about cheating, lying, or manipulating others. They are about being smart, professional, and ethical.

The rules of work cover various aspects of work and life, such as communication, appearance, attitude, behavior, performance, relationships, leadership, and management. They are divided into three parts:

  • Part One: The Rules of Life - These are the rules that apply to everyone, regardless of their occupation or position. They are about how to live a happy and fulfilling life, how to deal with challenges and opportunities, and how to balance work and personal life.

  • Part Two: The Rules of Work - These are the rules that apply to employees, regardless of their level or role. They are about how to excel at your job, how to impress your boss and colleagues, and how to advance your career.

  • Part Three: The Rules of Management - These are the rules that apply to managers, regardless of their industry or sector. They are about how to lead and motivate your team, how to delegate and supervise effectively, and how to manage your boss and stakeholders.

Each rule is explained in a concise and clear way, with examples, anecdotes, and tips. The book also provides exercises and quizzes to help you apply the rules to your own situation and assess your progress.

Who is Richard Templar?

Richard Templar is a British author and self-help expert who has written over 20 books on various topics, such as personal development, business, finance, relationships, parenting, and spirituality. He has a background in journalism, publishing, and management. He has worked as a reporter, editor, director, and consultant for various organizations. He is also a speaker and trainer who has delivered seminars and workshops around the world.

Templar claims that he is not a guru or an expert, but rather a regular person who has learned from his own experiences and observations. He says that he writes his books for himself, as a way of reminding himself of the rules that he wants to follow in his own life. He also says that he writes his books for his readers, as a way of sharing his insights and advice with them.

Why should you read this book?

You should read this book if you want to:

  • Learn the secrets of the most successful people in the world

  • Improve your skills and abilities at work

  • Increase your confidence and competence

  • Enhance your reputation and influence

  • Achieve your goals and dreams

  • Enjoy your work and life more

This book will help you to:

  • Understand the unwritten and unspoken rules of work

  • Adopt the mindset and habits of successful people

  • Avoid the mistakes and pitfalls that can ruin your career

  • Make a positive impression on your boss and colleagues

  • Stand out from the crowd and get noticed

  • Get promoted faster and earn more money

  • Become a better leader and manager

  • Create a happy and productive team

  • Manage your work and personal life better

The Rules of Work Richard Templar PDF 13: A Summary

In this section, we will summarize the main points of each part of the book. We will highlight some of the most important rules from each part. However, we recommend that you read the whole book to get the full benefit of all the rules.

Part One: The Rules of Life

This part contains 25 rules that apply to everyone, regardless of their occupation or position. They are about how to live a happy and fulfilling life, how to deal with challenges and opportunities, and how to balance work and personal life. Here are some of the rules from this part:

Rule 1: Walk your talk

This rule means that you should act in accordance with your words. You should be honest, consistent, and reliable. You should do what you say you will do. You should not make promises that you cannot keep. You should not lie or exaggerate. You should not be hypocritical or contradictory. You should not say one thing and do another.

This rule will help you to build trust and credibility with others. It will also help you to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. It will also help you to feel good about yourself and have integrity.

Rule 2: Know that you're being judged at all times

This rule means that you should be aware that people are always watching you and forming opinions about you. You should be conscious of how you present yourself and how you behave in different situations. You should be mindful of your appearance, body language, tone of voice, words, actions, reactions, emotions, attitudes, values, beliefs, opinions, preferences, habits, hobbies, interests, passions, goals, dreams, etc.

Rule 3: Have a plan

This rule means that you should have a clear vision of what you want to achieve in your life and work. You should set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART) goals for yourself. You should also have a strategy and action plan for how to reach your goals. You should review your plan regularly and adjust it as needed.

This rule will help you to stay focused and motivated. It will also help you to measure your progress and celebrate your achievements. It will also help you to overcome obstacles and challenges.

Rule 4: If you can't say anything nice, shut up

This rule means that you should avoid saying negative, rude, or hurtful things to others. You should not gossip, complain, criticize, blame, judge, insult, mock, or argue with others. You should not spread rumors, lies, or secrets. You should not be sarcastic, cynical, or pessimistic. You should not be arrogant, boastful, or pretentious.

This rule will help you to maintain good relationships with others. It will also help you to avoid conflicts and disputes. It will also help you to be respectful and polite.

Rule 5: Look after yourself

This rule means that you should take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. You should eat well, exercise regularly, sleep enough, drink enough water, and avoid unhealthy habits. You should also relax, meditate, have fun, laugh, and enjoy life. You should also learn new things, challenge yourself, grow, and improve yourself.

This rule will help you to be healthy and happy. It will also help you to be more productive and creative. It will also help you to cope with stress and pressure.

Part Two: The Rules of Work

This part contains 50 rules that apply to employees, regardless of their level or role. They are about how to excel at your job, how to impress your boss and colleagues, and how to advance your career. Here are some of the rules from this part:

Rule 6: Dress well

This rule means that you should dress appropriately for your work environment and culture. You should wear clothes that fit you well, suit your style and personality, and match your role and position. You should also pay attention to your grooming, hygiene, accessories, and shoes. You should not wear clothes that are too casual, too formal, too revealing, too flashy, too outdated, or too dirty.

This rule will help you to look professional and confident. It will also help you to create a positive image and impression on others. It will also help you to feel good about yourself and boost your self-esteem.

Rule 7: Cultivate a smile

The Rules of Work Richard Templar PDF 13: A Critique

In this section, we will critique the strengths and weaknesses of the book, and discuss its relevance in today's world. We will also compare it with other similar books and give our opinion on whether it is worth reading.

The strengths of the book

Some of the strengths of the book are:

  • It is easy to read and understand. The language is simple, clear, and concise. The rules are explained in a straightforward and practical way, with examples, anecdotes, and tips. The book also provides exercises and quizzes to help you apply the rules to your own situation and assess your progress.

  • It is comprehensive and relevant. The book covers various aspects of work and life, such as communication, appearance, attitude, behavior, performance, relationships, leadership, and management. The rules are applicable to anyone who wants to succeed in their career and life, regardless of their occupation or position. The book also reflects the changes and challenges of the modern workplace, such as globalization, technology, diversity, and competition.

  • It is inspiring and motivating. The book encourages you to take action and responsibility for your own success. It empowers you to be more effective, efficient, and productive at work. It also helps you to enjoy your work and life more. It gives you the confidence and competence to achieve your goals and dreams.

The weaknesses of the book

Some of the weaknesses of the book are:

  • It is repetitive and simplistic. The book contains 100 rules, which can be overwhelming and tedious to read. Some of the rules are similar or overlapping with each other. Some of the rules are too obvious or common sense. Some of the rules are too vague or general.

  • It is prescriptive and rigid. The book presents the rules as universal and absolute truths that everyone has to follow. It does not acknowledge that different situations may require different approaches or strategies. It does not allow for flexibility or creativity. It does not consider the individual differences or preferences of people.

  • It is unrealistic and idealistic. The book assumes that everyone has the same opportunities and resources to follow the rules. It does not address the potential obstacles or barriers that may prevent people from following the rules. It does not recognize the limitations or constraints that people may face in their work and life. It does not account for the unpredictability or complexity of work and life.

The relevance of the book in today's world

The book is still relevant in today's world because it provides valuable insights and advice on how to succeed in your career and life. It teaches you how to be more effective, efficient, and productive at work. It also helps you to enjoy your work and life more.

However, the book is not enough by itself to guarantee your success. You also need to adapt to the changing and challenging environment of the modern workplace. You also need to develop your own style and personality that suits your goals and dreams. You also need to be flexible and creative in applying the rules to your own situation.



Here are some frequently asked questions about The Rules of Work by Richard Templar:

  • Q: Where can I get The Rules of Work Richard Templar PDF 13?

  • A: You can get the PDF version of the book from various online sources, such as Amazon, Google Books, or Scribd. However, we recommend that you buy the original book or ebook from a reputable seller to support the author and publisher.

  • Q: Who is the target audience of The Rules of Work?

  • A: The target audience of The Rules of Work is anyone who wants to succeed in their career and life, regardless of their occupation or position. Whether you are an employee, a manager, or an entrepreneur, this book will teach you how to be more effective, efficient, and productive at work.

  • Q: How can I apply The Rules of Work to my own situation?

  • A: You can apply The Rules of Work to your own situation by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Read the whole book and understand the main points of each rule.

  • Step 2: Identify the rules that are most relevant and important to your work and life goals.

  • Step 3: Make a plan and action plan for how to implement the rules in your daily routine and habits.

  • Step 4: Review your plan regularly and adjust it as needed.

  • Step 5: Track your progress and celebrate your achievements.

  • Q: What are some other similar books to The Rules of Work?

  • A: Some other similar books to The Rules of Work are:

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

  • The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

  • The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

  • Q: What is the main message of The Rules of Work?

  • A: The main message of The Rules of Work is that you can achieve your goals and dreams by following simple and practical rules that will help you be more effective, efficient, and productive at work. It also encourages you to enjoy your work and life more.


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