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Somewhat out of his depth, Colbert asked if Porter thought "fashion makes a political statement." Porter, in all his flaming, gorgeous majesty, leaned in and said, "I've always been into fashion. And I feel like especially when it comes to gender, [it can be political]." He then launched into one of the most feminist treatises we've heard on the tube. Certainly one of the most feminist we have heard from a man.
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Colbert, a devout Catholic, looked just a little uncomfortable, so he changed the subject to "Pose." Colbert said he understood that Porter had been part of the ballroom culture. Porter said, "I was ballroom adjacent. I moved to New York, I was on Broadway, but I'm a gay black man, so I did attend the balls, but I was not in the balls."
The segment ended with Colbert saying how much he loves and admires Porter's style. So Porter pulled out his pink rhinestone glasses from the Tonys and a black-and-white striped Philip Treacy fedora he said he bought for only $500 years ago (it would cost at least $2,500 now, that's the basic price line for a Treacy chapeau). He put the glasses and hat on Colbert and had him sissy that walk across the stage dragging his suit jacket like a cape. Utter fabulousness. For the full impact, watch the episode at
The inclusion of Aaron Philip in the ad takes it to a whole other level, as Philip is a black, disabled trans model. For those queers in wheelchairs like we have been since being paralyzed, seeing Philip in the Sephora ad was something. Born with cerebral palsy and identifying as a gender-non-conforming trans woman, Philip is breaking all kinds of ground. In a CNN interview, Philip said, "There's still a great lack of visibility and attention towards people with disabilities in fashion."
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A twenty-eight-year-old Indian man who presented disheveled and whispering following the death of his wife in childbirth was cured of his grief by a single dose of ketamine, which carried him to heaven in a flying chariot. Psychosis makes it easier for Brazilians to lucid dream. Obsessive-compulsive Israelis tend to express themselves with language in which agency is omitted. A Bayesian phylogenetic study of ninety-three traditional Austronesian cultures found that social stratification is stabilized, and inherited class systems promoted, by human sacrifice. African-American men who died between 1802 and 1970 lived an average of one year longer if they possessed distinctively black forenames. A 1535 Bible in Lambeth Palace Library was found to contain handwritten acknowledgment of a debt whereby Mr. Cutpurse would repay Mr. Cheffyn twenty shillings on pain of imprisonment at Marshalsea. Most of the animals now dying in the sixth mass extinction will leave no fossil trace.
"Just because it makes you feel uncomfortable doesn't mean it has to change," Kelly said. "Jesus was a white man, too. It's like we have, he's a historical figure; that's a verifiable fact. As is Santa, I just want kids to know that. How do you revise it in the middle of the legacy, in the story, and change Santa from white to black?"
The immediate and widespread rebuttal showcases how much America has changed over the past few decades. The nation not only has a black president, but also has refused to endorse the Christian savior as white.
Jesus was a Jew from the Middle East, he was probably blacker in colour than Obama. However, the Iraqis consider themselves as Caucasian and not Arabs. Caucasian race is the general physical type of some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western, Central and South Asia.
Walking through bustling, Christmas-sparkling London yesterday, Cambridge suddenly began to feel very far away. Despite cheerful appearances, buzzing restaurants and a plethora of Santa hats, the news here is inexorably awful. The nurses are striking for the first time in their history; post-Brexit, suicidal Britain is economically trailing its peers; and trying to pick up my much-awaited daughter at Heathrow yesterday morning we gave up - we couldn\u2019t get to the terminal for traffic jams. She met us a tube stop in\u2026
April 22, 1997 This annotated bibliography explores the topic of reproductive technology as it affects women of color. The articles are varied. One article is not a journal article or a law review but it discusses the results of technology gone awry when a lab error leaves a white couple with one white twin and one black twin. The focus is on the implications for the black child being raised in a white family. Another article on transracial adoption focuses on this as well. Very little research exists concerning advanced, "state of the art" reproductive technology and race. Those that do take different approaches. Some feel that eugenics is a major concern based on the history of racism in the United States. Others do not see eugenics as a "real" issue. Many articles focus on access to basic reproductive technology such as abortion and prenatal care. A Feminist Social Justice Approach To Reproduction-assisting Technologies: A Case Study On The Limits Of Liberal Theory.
Abortion And Fertility Regulation.
An Equal Protection Analysis Of United States Reproductive Health Policy: Gender, Race, Age, And Class.
Black And White Twins Born After Test Tube Mix-up.
Class, Race, And Poverty: Medical Technologies And Socio-political Choices.
Controlling The Reproductive Rights Of Impoverished Women: Is This The Way To "reform" Welfare?
Formulating Selection Policies For Assisted Reproduction.
Ghost Mothers: Human Egg Donation And The Legacy Of The Past.
Redefining The Transracial Adoption Controversy.
Reproductive Autonomy And Evolutionary Biology: A Regulatory Framework For Trait-selection Technologies.
Schrodinger's Cat, Eugenics, And The Compulsory Sterilization Of Welfare Mothers: Deconstructing An Old/new Rhetoric And Constructing The Reproductive Right To Natality For Low-income Women Of Color.
Sex, Race, And Science: Eugenics In The Deep South.
The Abortion Attitudes Of Black Women: 1972-1991.
The Unconstitutional Conditions Doctrine And Mandating Norplant For Women On Welfare Discourse.
Variations In Pregnancy Outcomes By Race Among 10-14-year-old Mothers In The United States.
Annotations Andrzej Kulczycki, Malcolm Potts, & Allan Rosenfield, Abortion and fertility regulation, The Lancet, Vol. 347, No. 16, Page 1663, 1996. This article reviews the cultural differences as they correspond to abortion rates worldwide. In the USA, about 60% of all pregnancies are unwanted, with half of these resulting in abortion. Of these United States women, those who are young and unmarried are more likely to choose abortion. World wide, urban and educated women are more likely to terminate than are rural women. One major difference between the United States and other cultures is that abortion is considered more as a contraceptive rather than controversial matter. The health aspects of abortion are discussed. "In developed countries, mortality associated with childbirth is 11 times higher than that for safely performed abortion procedures, and 30 times higher than for abortions up to 8 weeks' gestation. Early termination of pregnancy ranks among the safest and easiest of surgical procedures." The article discusses the importance of access to safe abortion. In addition, this article discusses research that shows that "rates of abortion and abortion-related mortality will decline most where a full range of contraceptive options is readily available free of charge and at low cost; where there is widespread access to sex education and information; where the sociocultural context promotes contraceptive responsibility; and where abortion services are publicly funded so that, when needed, abortion is performed early in pregnancy."[Back] Article, Black and White Twins Born After Test Tube Mix-Up, Jet, Volume 88, Issue 11, Pages 34-37, 1992. This article was included in this annotated bibliography to serve as an example of problems with reproductive technology that our society may not be ready to deal with. The Stuarts, a white couple, went to a highly reputable fertility clinic in order to take place in IVF. The idea was for Mrs. Stuart to be inseminated with the sperm of her husband, Mr. Stuart. However, nine months later, Mrs. Stuart gave birth to two sons - one is white and the other is biracial black/white. The hospital has admitted that Mrs. Stuarts eggs were fertilized with sperm from her husband and a black man who was in the clinic earlier that day for a similar procedure performed on his wife. Apparently, the technicians did not correctly clean the container before adding Mr. Stuart's sperm. Although the family adores both boys and seems very open to the biracial child exploring his black heritage, it still poses great ethical dilemmas. [Back] Barbara L. Bernier, CLASS, RACE, AND POVERTY: MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES AND SOCIO-POLITICAL CHOICES, 11 Harv. BlackLetter J. 115 (1994). This article discusses "numerous breaches of medical ethics that have a disproportionate impact upon communities of color." Beginning with the use of live slaves as "subjects" for medical school experiments in the nineteenth century, discriminatory and harmful treatment of African Americans is traced to modern day "welfare reform" in the form of Norplant legislation. This history presents the blatant horrors of research on slaves to the more subtle measures used today. In addition to the temporary sterilization of poor women by Norplant, penal sterilization is also discussed. These include such things as physical and chemical castration and Norplant. Constitutional issues are the focus. Lastly, the impact of legal abortion on women of color is highlighted. The idea is that white women have greater access to safe abortion even when it is not legal (because they have greater access to foreign performed abortions) and that minority women are protected from back alley practitioners only so long as the practice is legal in the United States. [Back] Beverly Horsburgh, SCHRODINGER'S CAT, EUGENICS, AND THE COMPULSORY STERILIZATION OF WELFARE MOTHERS: DECONSTRUCTING AN OLD/NEW RHETORIC AND CONSTRUCTING THE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHT TO NATALITY FOR LOW-INCOME WOMEN OF COLOR, 17 Cardozo L. Rev. 531 (1996). This article's concern is that "compulsory sterilization of poor single mothers might well be taken seriously by many in this country who are attracted to genetic essentialism and search for low-cost solutions to social problems." Considering that the racist stereotype of the welfare mother is young, black, has many children to avoid having to work, and is of low intelligence, there is concern that young black women may be particularly singled out for these procedures. The distinct possibility of such racist sterilization procedures is amplified by research showing that 97% of all obstetricians "favor the sterilization of welfare mothers" and exert great influence over the child-bearing population as a whole. The author feels that sterilization is simply a "disguised form of eugenics" and that black women are particularly susceptible to such programs as they are at the "intersectional axis of race, gender, and class." After exploring the impact of race, gender, and class on black women, the author reviews the history of eugenics and racism in the United States with a particular focus on compulsory sterilization laws. U.S. caselaw is discussed. Roe v. Wade provided women a fundamental right to reproductive autonomy. "However, in light of Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, the degree to which women are in charge of their reproductive autonomy is unclear." Reproductive rights are also discussed under the broad right to privacy.[Back] Joan C. Callahan and Dorothy E. Roberts, A Feminist Social Justice Approach to Reproduction-Assisting Technologies: A Case Study on the Limits of Liberal Theory, 84 Ky. L.J. 1197 (1995/1996). The question or problem addressed in this law review article is the statistically significant phenomena of racial discrimination in the prosecution of drug use during pregnancy. "Despite the fact that drug use during pregnancy seems to be equally prevalent among women of all races in the United States, studies are beginning to show that black women are nearly ten times more likely than other women to be reported to child welfare agencies for drug use during pregnancy, and that at least seventy percent of the prosecutions are of women of color." (P. 1198). In addition, more than 80% of caesarean sections ordered by U.S. courts are performed on women of color - with almost all of them being performed in public hospitals. 75% of all women placed on Norplant in this decade as a condition of probation have been minorities, with all of them being welfare participants. Another inequity pointed out by the authors is that almost all children resulting from surrogacy agreements that are the biological child of both the surrogate mother and the adopting father are given to the father to raise, neglecting the genetic tie of the surrogate to the child. The authors point out all of these phenomena in an effort to show inequities in human reproduction according to sex, race, and class. The authors argue that "contemporary liberal theory" is responsible for the inequities between the races in the context of this article and that a "feminist social justice approach" is the more appropriate model. Although feminism is not monolithic, it is fairly consistent in rejecting the extreme individual liberty emphasized in contemporary society. Instead, feminism advocates "nurturing of individuals and communities, the sustaining of relationships, the relief of suffering, and attention to appropriate substantive equality." In other words, social responsibility and morality play a more prominent role in this approach. Aspects of both theories (liberal and feminist) are discussed in great detail as are other philosophical approaches to justice with an emphasis on the concepts of harm, exploitation, and voluntariness.[Back] John Lynxwiler & David Gay, THE ABORTION ATTITUDES OF BLACK WOMEN: 1972-1991, Journal of Black Studies, Volume 27, Number 2, Pages 260-277 (1996). This journal study looks at the abortion attitudes of African American women over a twenty year time span in an attempt to define what factors influences the position of black women in identifying as either pro-choice or pro-life. Factors that remained steady across both decades were attitudes toward premarital sex and perceptions of ideal family size. Black women supporting liberal divorce laws and who were employed full-time (more important in the 1970's than in the 1980's) also tended to identify more as pro-choice. Religious affiliation is another important determinant - with members of the Black Protestant Church being more pro-choice (this church has a relatively relaxed position on abortion). The authors conclude that race is a necessary factor in any research concerning abortion attitudes as people of different cultures have different values. However, they also hypothesize that in the future support for legal abortion will be seen more as related to class rather than to issues of race (with the caveat that "patterns that may have been interpreted as race differences in the past increasingly are intertwined with, and should be understood as, shifts in socioeconomic status). (p. 274). [Back] Katheryn D. Katz, GHOST MOTHERS: HUMAN EGG DONATION AND THE LEGACY OF THE PAST, 57 Alb. L. Rev. 733 (1994). This article discusses egg donation as it relates to "the importance of genetic considerations in shaping legal and social policy on egg donation." Various forms of reproductive technology are discussed as well as the complex ethical issues involved. The science of genetics is explored, with a focus on problems involving genetic predispositions to criminal behavior or certain biological diseases. Another aspect of this discussion is the fear of eugenics programs being created. Selective breeding could result in racial discrimination. This idea is extrapolated to how society would react to a strain of superior humans - and how the rest of humanity could conceivably fall by the wayside. Court decisions on the rights of surrogates versus the rights of the adoptive parents are unpredictable at best. Some courts feel that the genetic tie gives the surrogate a right to the child while others view this more as a contract agreement and award the child to the contracting adoptive parents. Legal opinions involving adoptions where there was no surrogate are also discussed. Most of these cases arise where the biological parents have not given valid consent to the adoption. Again, the various jurisdictions have very different opinions on the issue. Other issues are transracial adoptions and whether or not a particular race can lay claim that it is the only one capable of raising its children. After reading this article, one walks away with the same sense of confusion reflected by American case law... The tie between genetics and parenthood is a complex issue that will take many years to resolve. This is especially true in light of rapidly changing technology that our laws cannot keep up with. [Back] Ken Daniels & Karyn Taylor, FORMULATING SELECTION POLICIES FOR ASSISTED REPRODUCTION, Soc. Sci. Med., Vol. 31, No. 12, pp. 1473 - 1480, (1993). This journal article considers selection policies used to decide who is allowed access to assisted reproduction. Basically, this decision is made by the medical providers themselves, without any sort of public or legal responsibility. The authors' concern is that the individual value system of the provider is being forced upon would-be parents. This is evidenced by the facts that there is a widely held belief that access to fertilization techniques should be limited to heterosexual married couples and access should be restricted to those exhibiting appropriate family values. The implication is that the medical practitioner is the one who decides what "appropriate family values" are. There is little legislation on this point. However, The National Bioethics Consultative Committee (in Australia) has summarized several criteria followed by many clinics. Several examples of exclusionary criteria are also listed. These exclusionary criteria discriminate on the basis of age, life-style, marital status, cultural background, and nationality. Although this would seem generally wrong, it makes little difference what an ethics code says when the real power is still with the medical practitioners. "Until the attitudes of those professionals running the programmes change, simply removing discriminatory criteria from the formal selection procedures will not prevent discrimination occurring in the selection process." (P. 1478).[Back] Laurence C. Nolan, THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL CONDITIONS DOCTRINE AND MANDATING NORPLANT FOR WOMEN ON WELFARE DISCOURSE, 3 Am. U. J. Gender & Law 15 (1994). This article begins by stating the basic myths and stereotypes surrounding welfare and, more particularly, welfare mothers. Legislation attempting to use Norplant as a form of probation or welfare reform is discussed. The main point of this article is that "the unconstitutional conditions doctrine must be part of the discourse regarding welfare reform and c